Grades 4-5 Through the study of the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and the Sacraments, the students are encouraged to apply the teachings of the church to their daily lives.
The math curriculum follows the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. The program includes basic number operations/algebra, problem solving, measurement and geometry patterns. Students regularly and routinely use calculators, computers, manipulatives, and other mathematical tools to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding.
The integrated language arts curriculum is primarily literature based. All students are encouraged to become independent readers, thinkers, effective communicators and skilled writers. A variety of creative techniques include oral presentations, art projects, and research reports. Areas such as spelling, correct grammar, and critical thinking are part of each lesson and incorporated throughout the other subjects.
The fourth grade program primarily consists of an in-depth study of geography, history, the economy and sociology of New Jersey. The students are introduced to the regions of the United States and master the states and capitals. The fifth grade moves into a study of cultures in both North and South America, but concentrates primarily on history, geography and the economies of Latin America. Both programs integrate technology through projects, on-line research, and audio-visual materials.
The students are given hands-on experiences that enable them to practice science skills. The fourth grade explores the changing earth, simple machines and life cycles while grade five studies oceans, plants, physical forces, simple organisms and topics about the stars and universe.